About Us
About Us The Wireless Deer Fence deer repellent and training system was conceived in 1995
About Us The Wireless Deer Fence deer repellent and training system was conceived in 1995
Commercial Use Of The Wireless Deer Fence® The Wireless Deer Fence deer repellent is designed
Deer Fence – FAQ Frequently Asked Questions About The Wireless Deer Fence® Deer Repellent
Testimonials From Clarks Summit, PA: “I bought your deer fence three weeks ago but now
Wireless Deer Fence® Guarantee The Wireless Deer Fence® deer control system has a two-year guarantee
Deer Fence Safety The Wireless Deer Fence Deer Repellent Is A Very Low Amperage Deer
How to Use The Wireless Deer Fence® How Many Wireless Deer Fence Posts Do I
Other types of deer repellents are available both comercially and online. Hundreds of commercial deer repellents of every type are
THE REAL WIRELESS DEER FENCE® DEER REPELLENT A new, patented, trademarked, wireless, guaranteed, electrical deer repellent and training system that
There are two leading products that repel deer electrically without a wire fence: the Wireless Deer Fence® deer control system
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Urban deer control has become an unavoidable problem. Deer are adaptable and intelligent,
Preventing Deer Damage with an Electric Fence If there is a way deer will go over, under, around, or through
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Keeping deer out of your yard and garden is a major consideration for
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Many homeowners and gardeners spend time and money applying deer tree wraps to
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® The exploding deer population and limited budgets have necessitated gardeners everywhere to use
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Most garden deer control methods fail because deer, especially the whitetail, are smart
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Feeding deer is a hotly debated topic among various groups. To control Chronic
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Deer proof your yard! Sounds great, but if you can’t build a sturdy,
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Deer resistant vegetables are one of the ways a gardener can limit deer
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® A peanut butter fence may sound like deer nirvana, but when combined with
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Deer overpopulation is a growing problem. This is a discussion of the serious
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® It’s easy to see the appeal of homemade deer repellents: They can be
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Deer deterrent devices abound. There are hundreds of commercially available deer deterrents, and
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Deer damage to trees in private gardens and tree nurseries is staggering. By
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Homeowners may consider a baited electric fence to fight a persistent and costly
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Common-sense deer control programs are mostly lacking in the United States. The emotion
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Deer attacks on humans and pets have become so commonplace as to elicit
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Living deer barriers called hedgerows have been used for centuries for deer control
Brought to you by The Wireless Deer Fence® Deer fence is the best way to stop deer damage in areas where
Deer Control Using A Deer Fence Where it is permitted and desired, a tall sturdy fence is the ultimate deer