*Free shipping on all orders within the United States through March 31.
Minimum order $100 with a maximum discount of $40.
Price: USD $69.95 plus postage for a box of 3 posts, including enough scent tubes to last a year (36 tubes). Extra scent tubes are $8.95 for a package of 36 pieces plus exact postage.
Shipping: Orders received by 2 PM Eastern Monday-Saturday are usually sent the same day via the United States Postal Service.
Batteries: 2 AA batteries are required for each post, 6 batteries per box of 3 posts. Battery life is six months. Change more often to keep output voltage higher. Batteries are not included.
Payment: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, PayPal and checks are accepted.
E-mail your comments and questions to:
Order by phone:
Call: 866 GOT DEER (866 468 3337)
Order by mail:
Mail your check to: (payable in USD)
Wireless Deer Fence ®
PO Box 11
7654 Shilo Rd
Unionville, IN 47468
Privacy and security notice: We take your privacy seriously. Wireless Deer Fence ® will not sell, rent or trade any personal information.