From Clarks Summit, PA:
“I bought your deer fence three weeks ago but now I don’t have deer so I am returning them.”
The Wireless Deer Fence® deer repellent system has been tested by Garden Gate® magazine in its house gardens and is featured in the “What’s New” column, Issue 41, October 2001:
“It seems that gardeners everywhere have deer using their gardens as buffet lines. Here at Garden Gate, we were thrilled to find the Wireless Deer Fence® was effective in our garden. Each post has a scent reservoir with scented pellets that are attractive to deer. When deer investigate, they receive a small electric shock. …with the Wireless Deer Fence® in place this spring, our tulips actually bloomed! Powered by two AA batteries, the shock is humane but strong enough to startle the hungry deer.”
Copyright 2001, August Home Publishing Co. Reprinted with permission.
The Wireless Deer Fence® deer control system has also been tested by Mike McGrath from Your Bet Your Garden on WHYY:
“I’ve personally had very good results with the Wireless Deer Fence®. As with an electric fence, shocked deer remember their bad experience at your place and eat someone else’s tulips and azaleas.”
Here are more unsolicited testimonials from happy Wireless Deer Fence® deer repellent customers:
Eastern U.S.
Thank you for your generous donation to the Garden at Church Meadows in Littleton, Massachusetts. The Garden’s first year was a success as we were able to harvest over 2,200 lbs of fresh vegetables and herbs, all of which were donated to Loaves and Fishes. Donations such as yours allowed the garden to be the huge success that it was. Our committee has decided to continue the garden again this year and planting is scheduled to begin in the spring.
– Megan Ford for the Garden at Church Meadows Committee in Littleton
Littleton, MA
I have to say the units have done an excellent job at reducing the deer numbers. We are now doing them on a trial basis on our other job sites which is allowing me to back off on the use of the very expensive Deer Scram. Tried 3 of the Havahart version but they are horrible. Have to re-scent the cotton after a rain or irrigation and apparently if they get condensation in them you have to dry them out. Also, they are noticeable in the landscape. Will not use them again.
We still have a few deer because we have pushed them out into the road and them come in from that direction and I have no way of blocking that….but the plants we put them near are not touched.
I think the real trial will be this winter but so far so good! Also, thanks again for great customer service!
Princeton, NJ
The two boxes of Wireless Deer Fence® posts arrived Friday, and I am amazed at the results. Even the one yearling buck that was so aggressive that my neighbors were going to shoot it hasn’t been back. I had tried everything else I knew of to get rid of that buck, and it still kept coming back. Really taught it a lesson, eh? I wish that I had known of your product sooner-maybe I wouldn’t still be struggling with Lyme disease…
Horseshoe Bend, AR
I just received my second order of the Wireless Deer Fence®. I had been using them successfully in NJ before moving to GA and a larger property. It appears that the Georgia deer also stay away from them! Replacement of the batteries gave them new life for the fourth year of use. Your product is just as you claim.
Snellville, GA
Deer were eating my rose blossoms just as they were ready to bring inside. I installed the Wireless Deer Fence®, and for a few days the deer continued to eat my roses. Then one day I saw a deep hoof print next to one of the WDF stakes, and my roses didn’t get eaten any more! One summer, though, my WDFs stopped working. I realized that I hadn’t changed the lures, which you’re supposed to do every month. So I changed them, and once again, no more rose damage!
I’m an electrical engineer, and I’m impressed by the simple, durable design of the WDF and its sturdy construction.
Potomac, MD
Just wanted to let you folks know that your Wireless Deer Fence® works great. I had a severe deer problem … they were eating thousands of dollars worth of my shrubbery, eating my vegetable garden, bedding down for the night in my front lawn, etc. I tried all kinds of remedies (coyote urine, foil pans, etc.), but none of them worked.
…(When using the Wireless Deer Fence®) I sprayed very little this season and had no deer eating any of my shrubs or vegetables … but they got my neighbor’s fruit trees and vegetables.
The best part … it doesn’t hurt the deer. I still get to watch them grazing and frolicking about beyond the stone wall, on my neighbors property. They don’t come into my yard anymore. Good job, folks. I just ordered 9 more.
Hanover, MA
Thought you will enjoy these pictures of our garden. This is the third year of using the Wireless Deer fence; the result speaks for itself.
Feel free to use them as testimony on your Website.
Raritan, NJ
I purchased the deer sticks back in March ’08. I just wanted to tell you, I have put in some new plantings, trying to choose things the deer don’t like, but beyond that, my older plantings as well as the new are thriving for the first time. I have one fire bush that has never been able to get to a foot high, even with the plastic mesh; they just pushed it down to get to the leaves. It is now a record two feet high. I also have a beautyberry that was one of their first choices last year, and it is also untouched.
Yesterday I removed the final pieces of plastic mesh and can now enjoy my plants without them looking like they are packed for shipping! I also touched the sticks with the side of my arm in error while weeding, so if it stunned me like that, I can’t imagine how it feels on their tongue!!
Thank you so much for this wonderful product. I will keep you updated as the year progresses.
Andover, NJ
Thank you very much for replacing the post sight unseen. I love your service. And your deer fence! We grew vegies in our front yard. Our hostas, just across the sidewalk, were nicely trimmed all season long, but lost only a few tomatoes early in the season. Last week, just before I harvested all our remaining Swiss Chard, we saw 6 deer wandering across the street. This is our second season of success! (Now if only you could get rid of the routes that come from our maple tree by the road.)
Please feel free to use this as a testimonial.
Syracuse, NY
I have a large asparagus bed, about 75 feet by 12 feet, in eastern New York. The deer population is bad enough out here that it prompts town hall meetings to try and figure out control methods! The herd in my neighborhood have slowly developed a taste for my asparagus … I lost 10% one year, 25% the next, then 40% the following. Well, I could see where this was going. Discouraged at the prospect of tall fencing and the eyesore it would be, I thought I’d try your product. Put 3 posts in the first year and saw an immediate drop to about 15% loss. Added 6 more this year, and after a short training period I have lost 0%. None. Zip. Nada. Not a single spear eaten! That’s impressive. An excellent investment. Good job!
Orient, NY
Thanks, so much. I’m sure you would be pleased to know a bit more about our apparent success in using these units. We live in a residential area in Syracuse, NY. Our vegetable garden takes up most of our front yard.
We purchased the Wireless Deer Fence® because every year we would lose veggies to the deer. Because the garden is in the front of the house, we didn’t want to put up anything unsightly [as a] barrier, but it was getting harder to find the motivation to plant a garden that might be decimated.
This year, my wife, who is the primary gardener, refused to start the garden unless we could figure out how to repel the deer. After some research, and despite the cost, we decided to purchase 6 units.
So far, so good. We have seen deer in our driveway, right next to the garden, have seen other evidence of them being there, and have found some damage to some of the plants just outside the area we are protecting.
But the best evidence that they are working is that other gardeners in the area report that they have been having significant deer trouble this year.
So, thanks.
Syracuse, NY
I have 3 of your products and they exceeded my expectations. In the past I’ve used liquid products to varying degrees of success and failure.
As we all know, deer like tulips. It’s often referred to as ‘deer candy.’ This year is the first time in over 3 years that we’ve seen the full bloom cycle of our tulips. Your product protected the tulips from the deer.
Williamsville, NY
You guys are unbelievable. If you ever need a customer endorsement, let me know.
McCormick, SC
I heartily support your humane approach to deer control and have been telling all my friends about it.
Leesburg, VA
This product works extremely well: no more damage to trees after installing your product. We have security cameras and watched deer doing back flips after sniffing the device. Your product has saved us $1500 by preventing damage to trees we had to replace due to deer damage. 100% satisfied with your product.
I have told everyone that has experienced deer damage to buy your product.
Manakin Sabot, VA
I have been using your deer fences for a full year, and in the middle of the worst drought in memory with deer all around us did not have any visiting our garden. Works like a charm!
Orange, VA
Let me start by saying how exited we are about your product! For years we have been trying everything to deter the deer from eating our garden. For the first time our peas bloomed and produced without being trimmed by deer. For the first time we have all our original tomato plants still growing. For the first time our hostas have matured without being mowed off. And the growing bean plants have not been touched. We watched with glee just the other day as a deer was shocked at the corner of the garden. We still see deer in our backyard, but they do not come close to the things protected by the Wireless Deer Fence®. Your product is all that you say it is. We were skeptical but ready to try anything. It was a big reason my wife wanted to move since gardening is a great love of hers and she was so depressed when the deer ate up her hard work!!! Now we don’t have to move.
Harrisonburg, VA
I just wanted to let you know we are delighted with our wireless fence. So far the deer tracks are heavy from running away from the posts. We have had at least three different hits in our area. I can’t imagine what our garden and flowers would look like without your product. Thank you so much. We will order more next year.
Huntington, WV
Thanks for the info, Keith. We’ve definitely gotten our money’s worth out of them. Will order more.
Cedar Rapids, IA
This year I took the steps of fencing my wide-open back yard and trying out Wireless Deer Fence® stakes in the still-exposed front flower bed. Hooray! Since putting down three stakes near the deer’s favorite munchies in that bed, I have not seen any sign of further deer damage there, and I’ve been able to see the full blooming of flowers in that bed for the first time. I am now ordering more of the devices for vulnerable places on the sides of my house. Good product!
Bloomington, IN
My wife has hundreds of Hosta Plants in our perennial garden. We have many deer that come out of the dense woods behind the garden. I tried stringing a hot wire around the garden which didn’t work. I then tried several topical sprays that also did not work. 3 years ago the deer had a whole row of hostas nibbled down to the stalks. That’s when I did another search on the internet and found the Wireless Deer Fence. After installing 3 years ago we’ve only had two leaves on one hosta that had 3 bites out of it (the first year) and none since. We still have deer going through our yard and garden but not touching the Perennials!
Edwardsville, IL
With 22 of your wireless units on duty, I seem to have gotten the deer population off my 5 acres. A couple dozen of them used to cross my lot on a diagonal.
2 years ago there was a huge accumulation of deer poop on the yard, and they would show up mornings in my woods. I managed to make a line cutting their path between my 3 buildings. Now I still see deer on my neighbors’ land and on the border, but NOT running through or camping here. And the yard is clean.
Aurora, IL
I live on 17 acres of what once was farm land. We are surrounded by corn fields and have a herd of about 20 doe go through our yard every evening.
I grow roses and the deer love them.I work too hard to be the salad bar of the neighborhood at 3:00 am. I just wanted to thank you for your brilliant product. The deer stay away from my flowers and I’mloving it. I will be your loyal customer for as long as I am able to tend my roses. Again thank you.
Scotts, MI
… thanks for your excellent service! I am encouraging everyone I see having deer problems to buy your product because it works and it comes with superb customer service. The heavier duty stem is a definite plus, so it is great to see the Wireless Deer Fence® has been re-engineered. Thanks again!
Northbrook, IL
Although we have only used the two stakes for 4 nights, they look like they have already made a difference. The first night I walked outside and saw a lot of deer running from where I had placed one of the stakes, and later I saw a few deer, but they remained a good distance from the stake.
Farmerville, LA
Your product has worked wonders … since using the Wireless Deer Fence® people can’t believe we can keep the deer out. We have recommended them to many people, so expect to have some business from our area.
Marquette, MI
I have ordered and used your product for 2 years now … in an area that is notorious for a bad deer problem. I love your product and recommend it to everyone. It truly works!
Cincinnati, OH
I just want to tell you that the Wireless Deer Fence® is a great product. It really works! My neighbors have seen the difference, and they are going to buy from you.
Thank you for sending me the replacement. I am really happy with the product, and it seems that it’s working.
I have ordered another set of the Wireless Dear Fence, which has just arrived.
Franklin, TN
I do believe the deer fences are working. It took a while, but we have so many deer here it is a constant problem. This is the first year we have had a really nice garden.
Georgetown, TX
The deer are very hungry, and there is a lot of controversy about what to do about them because they are literally destroying the landscape. … I have had 10 people stop over to ask how we have managed to have a glorious blooming garden in the midst of the deer. I have told everyone who has stopped about your product and have shown them how it works.
San Antonio, TX
I just completed an order for a package of stakes. We have used them since at least 2008, and they are outstanding. In fact, hope you don’t mind but just recommended them to the local garden column in the Nashville, TN, paper.
We live on the edge of Franklin, with a huge field behind our home. We also have a lot of knockout roses, which seem to attract deer. Incidentally we keep salt blocks out in the field for the deer. About 4 years ago we saw a demonstration at the Williamson Ag center of a Wireless Deer Fence®. Doubted it would work and literally drove home to find deer in our yard, eating our roses. We bought the deer stakes and have had no more problems with deer.
A lot of products make promises or are temporary fixes that you have to keep spraying or adding to get them to work or worse are a danger to kids or family. These stakes not only work but last for years. We had one stake get water in it, and they replaced it even though it was out of warranty. The device is battery operated and the batteries last a season. I have backed into the stakes with my legs and been shocked, but it only gets your attention and doesn’t hurt you.
Suggest you review their site and have a reader who has deer problems try the product. Be certain to watch their video.
Franklin, TN
Your fence posts really do the trick. I’m very satisfied with the results overall!
San Jose, CA
Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that your wireless deer fence is amazing!� I used to have deer eating my garden every night, and since I put several around the yard, I haven’t seen them since.� I’ve also been bragging about your product to everyone in Northern California!
Walnut Creek, CA
Returned from a week away, and the wife’s flowers were intact. Received the replacement post in the mail. It’s nice to see a business where customer service is as good as its product. I should be good for the summer! Thanks.
San Jose, CA
I am always skeptical about “testimonials” but … now I find myself leaving one also. We live in the mountains in NW Montana and are at times overrun by deer. My wife works very hard to create a beautiful garden and has had difficulty with deer invading the garden and helping themselves to her beautiful flowers and vegetables. That is until we discovered your product. I was very skeptical about the effectiveness of the Wireless Deer Fence®, but they WORK. They actually work. The only problem we have had is where we don’t have effective coverage with the fencing. Hence my order for three more this evening. The production of your outstanding product has allowed us to enjoy my wife’s garden in full bloom.
I was happily surprised to see that my husband had written you. As the gardener in the family, let me say that the deer had gotten me almost homicidal (or would that be ‘deercidal’?). Your Wireless Deer Fence® has changed everything. For the first time ever, I was able to grow the most beautiful gladiolas and rejoice in their splendor! I can’t thank you enough.
Ronan, MT
Your product has worked extraordinarily well! We will order an additional six units. We have a doe and two fawns that transit easily over the cattle guard and enter and leave the small fenced area around our house (fifteen acres) in the middle of our property. I don’t know whether deer are smart enough to appreciate the relative safety within the fence from wolves and cougars (which we have plenty of), but for whatever reason they seem settled here. We placed a number of plants that we know they relish at the garden’s edge as a test. These plants lasted a week without so much as a nibble, and we have now planted them in the garden and more. I am relieved at not being compelled to take more drastic measures.
Thought you will enjoy these pictures of our garden.
Whitefish, MT
I was watching a deer munching thru the garden and then getting a shock. The sound that came from it was astounding. It was a bizarre screech and about as inhumane a cry as you could imagine. I could never have thought a deer would make that sound. And it ran off so far I’ll never see that one again.
Toronto, ON, Canada
Last summer I bought a large number of your devices. I have found that the promises you made and the warnings you issued all proved quite accurate. The deer dislike the shock; they learn to avoid the plants near the device; each deer needs its own lesson.
Ashland, OR
… earlier this morning I noted that one of my neighbors still had all his tulip blooms waving gently on their slender stalks. Now this guy has never before grown tulips out in this part of his garden so I had to ask him … if he had some magic up his sleeve. And that’s when he told me about the Wireless Deer Fence®.
Garden Bay, British Columbia, Canada
…this is awesome, I couldn’t get better service, thank you!
Sherwood Park, Alberta
I just wanted to say how delighted I am with my Wireless Deer Fence® that I bought about 15 months or so ago. I have just ordered another dozen from you.
Dunsfold, Surrey, England
Excerpts from a letter from the very first Wireless Deer Fence® deer control system customer
…as the deer population increased, so did the damage to our prized hostas, phlox, daylilies and oakleaf hydrangea. We tried everything, we even inquired about tranquilizing the deer and having them moved to a different location… we heard about a new product that had been invented which would keep the deer away through the use of a mild electric shock. We were lucky enough to receive some prototypes of the product and immediately placed them in our yard. The immediate result — no more deer! The product was the Wireless Deer Fence®. The Wireless Deer Fence® works!! Two thumbs up for the Wireless Deer Fence®! We’re proud to say that we are the very first people to purchase the Wireless Deer Fence®.
Bloomington, Indiana
Garden Gate Magazine
Mike McGrath, You Bet Your Garden
Jeff Lowenfels, Anchorage Daily News