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Deer Fence

Innovative Deer Repellent

Wireless Deer Fence 2 year guarantee

An innovative and effective deer repellent to keep deer out of your yard or garden.

Wireless Deer Fence deer repellent product image
deer repellent scent pack

The Wireless Deer Fence® deer repellent manipulates the instinctual behaviors of deer by causing a negative association between the smell of the posts and the shock on their nose.

Guaranteed Deer Repellent

• Browsers: 
 Deer use their noses to investigate. When they encounter a Wireless Deer Fence post, the sweet scent entices them to touch it, and they are shocked on the nose or tongue.

• Excellent sense of sight and smell: 
 Smell is the most basic of the senses, and deer rely heavily on smell for their safety and livelihood. After a single contact with a Wireless Deer Fence post, a deer thereafter associates the discomfort of the shock, not only with the sight of the posts, but also with the smell of the particular mixture of artificial scents used on the posts. After experiencing a shock, deer will not return to the area when they see or smell the posts.

• Good memories: 
 Deer do not forget an area where they have been hurt. One contact with the Wireless Deer Fence teaches the deer a lesson it will always remember while acting as an effective deer repellent.

• Skittish animals: 
 They instinctively rely on flight and avoidance for their safety. Fear is a powerful motivator for deer, and they immediately learn to avoid an area where they have been shocked by a Wireless Deer Fence deer repellent post.

• Creatures of habit: 
 Deer live in a specific area with set paths that they travel. When a deer has been shocked by the Wireless Deer Fence, it redefines its living area and changes the paths that it travels to avoid the area where it has been hurt.

• Herd animals: 
 When one deer is afraid to return to an area, other deer will also be reluctant to enter. Fawns are dependent and learn from does. If a doe has been repelled by a contact with a Wireless Deer Fence post and is afraid to enter an area, the fawns that are with them will also learn to avoid the area. However, this learning by association may be temporary, and in many cases, each deer will have to be trained on its own.

Happy Customers, Great Reviews

Hear directly from our satisfied clients and their experiences.

Snellville, GA
Snellville, GA
I just received my second order of the Wireless Deer Fence®. I had been using them successfully in NJ before moving to GA and a larger property. It appears that the Georgia deer also stay away from them! Replacement of the batteries gave them new life for the fourth year of use. Your product is just as you claim.
Princeton, NJ
Princeton, NJ
I have to say the units have done an excellent job at reducing the deer numbers. We are now doing them on a trial basis on our other job sites which is allowing me to back off on the use of the very expensive Deer Scram. Tried 3 of the Havahart version but they are horrible. Have to re-scent the cotton after a rain or irrigation and apparently if they get condensation in them you have to dry them out. Also, they are noticeable in the landscape. Will not use them again. We still have a few deer because we have pushed them out into the road and them come in from that direction and I have no way of blocking that….but the plants we put them near are not touched. I think the real trial will be this winter but so far so good! Also, thanks again for great customer service!
Horseshoe Bend, AR
Horseshoe Bend, AR
The two boxes of Wireless Deer Fence® posts arrived Friday, and I am amazed at the results. Even the one yearling buck that was so aggressive that my neighbors were going to shoot it hasn’t been back. I had tried everything else I knew of to get rid of that buck, and it still kept coming back. Really taught it a lesson, eh? I wish that I had known of your product sooner-maybe I wouldn’t still be struggling with Lyme disease…
Potomac, MD
Potomac, MD
Deer were eating my rose blossoms just as they were ready to bring inside. I installed the Wireless Deer Fence®, and for a few days the deer continued to eat my roses. Then one day I saw a deep hoof print next to one of the WDF stakes, and my roses didn’t get eaten any more! One summer, though, my WDFs stopped working. I realized that I hadn’t changed the lures, which you’re supposed to do every month. So I changed them, and once again, no more rose damage! I’m an electrical engineer, and I’m impressed by the simple, durable design of the WDF and its sturdy construction.
Manakin Sabot, VA
Manakin Sabot, VA
This product works extremely well: no more damage to trees after installing your product. We have security cameras and watched deer doing back flips after sniffing the device. Your product has saved us $1500 by preventing damage to trees we had to replace due to deer damage. 100% satisfied with your product. I have told everyone that has experienced deer damage to buy your product. Thanks.
Harrisonburg, VA
Harrisonburg, VA
Let me start by saying how exited we are about your product! For years we have been trying everything to deter the deer from eating our garden. For the first time our peas bloomed and produced without being trimmed by deer. For the first time we have all our original tomato plants still growing. For the first time our hostas have matured without being mowed off. And the growing bean plants have not been touched. We watched with glee just the other day as a deer was shocked at the corner of the garden. We still see deer in our backyard, but they do not come close to the things protected by the Wireless Deer Fence®. Your product is all that you say it is. We were skeptical but ready to try anything. It was a big reason my wife wanted to move since gardening is a great love of hers and she was so depressed when the deer ate up her hard work!!! Now we don’t have to move.
Aurora, IL
Aurora, IL
With 22 of your wireless units on duty, I seem to have gotten the deer population off my 5 acres. A couple dozen of them used to cross my lot on a diagonal. 2 years ago there was a huge accumulation of deer poop on the yard, and they would show up mornings in my woods. I managed to make a line cutting their path between my 3 buildings. Now I still see deer on my neighbors’ land and on the border, but NOT running through or camping here. And the yard is clean.
Scotts, MI
Scotts, MI
I live on 17 acres of what once was farm land. We are surrounded by corn fields and have a herd of about 20 doe go through our yard every evening. I grow roses and the deer love them.I work too hard to be the salad bar of the neighborhood at 3:00 am. I just wanted to thank you for your brilliant product. The deer stay away from my flowers and I’mloving it. I will be your loyal customer for as long as I am able to tend my roses. Again thank you.
Dunsfold, Surrey, England
Dunsfold, Surrey, England
I just wanted to say how delighted I am with my Wireless Deer Fence® that I bought about 15 months or so ago. I have just ordered another dozen from you.
Sherwood Park, Alberta
Sherwood Park, Alberta
…this is awesome, I couldn’t get better service, thank you!
Garden Bay, British Columbia, Canada
Garden Bay, British Columbia, Canada
… earlier this morning I noted that one of my neighbors still had all his tulip blooms waving gently on their slender stalks. Now this guy has never before grown tulips out in this part of his garden so I had to ask him … if he had some magic up his sleeve. And that’s when he told me about the Wireless Deer Fence®.
Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati, OH
I have ordered and used your product for 2 years now … in an area that is notorious for a bad deer problem. I love your product and recommend it to everyone. It truly works!